Salazar Quas
Portfolio of works - Drawing : Installation : studio practice
Work: STUDIO DOCUMENTATION [under construction]
What: Sound Recording, Exhibition Install and Studio Documentation.
Format: Vimeo
Timeline: 2010-2020

Details: Documentation of studio processes and installations plus some performance and sound art.

, trt 01’23”, NAS Sydney AUS, AUG2020
Untitled (Thread drawing installation), ca. W600cm x H300cm x D190cm, fibreglass thread, plinth, sandstone, mdf panel wall.


SQinStudio [composite] single channel video (trt 00'46") See SCALES project.

Studio-Text [composite] single channel video (trt 02'11")
See 'Weibel Notes' project Kunst, Politik, Globalisierung.


MOVEMENT, Single channel video, trt 4'05", Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne AUS, SEPT2013. MOVEMENT (or 'Dragon Movement') accompanies the SCALES project, assimilating the body movement that is otherwise missing from the acetate, digitally printed scales - the addition is to identify the organic component to supplement and refine the material-based project centered on the scales of a mythological animal.

LOOSE COMBO / JOHN CAGE MEMORIUM, curated by Joerg Laue, Akademie Der Kuenste, Berlin DE, 29-31 AUG2012.
Sound recordings made on the coastal capes of the Mornington Peninsula in the wintertime contribute to the haunting sonic and visual environment that is collaged together by Joerg Laue and his production team 'Loose Combo'. The work is presented in Berlin as a sound collage from an international collective assembled and performed live at the Akademie der Kuenste for the John Cage 100th Anniversary, 2012. Staged alongside live performances, the sonic emulation of trickling water through the moss of microscopic coastal landscapes coupled with the crashing waves on the coast of Flinders, would act as sonic background and outro sequence for several acts in this 3-day memorium to the works and life of John Cage.

Relay-Station Participating Artists:
Mary Babcock / Mark Kadota / Robert Reed / Rex Vlcek (Honolulu), Suk-Jun Kim (Silver City), Nicolas Collins (Chicago), Debashis Sinha (Toronto), Lital Dotan / Eyal Perry Glasshouse (New York City), John Cavanagh / Minty Donald / Douglas Morland / Nichola Scrutton / Hanna Tuulikki (Glasgow), Jeremy Millar (Whitstable), Fraçois Donato (Toulouse), Jan G. Brönnimann (Bern), Tetsuya Hori (Berlin), Safak Velioglu kooperatif (Istanbul), Nihal Saad Zaghloul (Kairo), Adiya Porat-Kligler / Yoni Niv / Elad Shniderman Tilda (Tel Aviv), Alona Rodeh (Tel Aviv), Khaled Jarrar (Ramallah), Assaf Grundwald / Igal Yaaran (Tiflis), Andreas Kröher (Yangon), Jan Creutzenberg (Seoul), Tomomi Adachi (Tokio/Berlin), Toshimaru Nakamura / Keiichi Sugimoto (Tokio), Salazar Quas (Melbourne).

See video documentation [link#1] and [link#2]

Schaumbad Atelierhouse Group Show 'MixUp’, Graz AUT, June2010.
Paper Room installation, print paper, antique easel, studio spots, ink, tracing paper. Graz, AUT.

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© Salazar Quas Kogler