Salazar Quas Ind.
Portfolio of works, studio art practice
Project: SCALES
Work: Acetate, digital prints, paper collage.
Location: VCA, Melbourne AUS
Date: 2013

Details: Handmade acetate dragon scales (produced meticulously én masse): print, trim, glue, bond, polish, slice, dry. Each scale retains a combination of abstract prints, random text inserts, and varying degree of layering to form a collection of unique texture and ingredients. The scales of the dragon are said to enable its chamelleon-like powers and their ability to control the behaviour of water-in-movement. With an inbalance of Yin and Yang elements, this hybrid animal of 6 to 8 different traditional beasts lends its mythology to this project: to produce the scales of an animal only then to seek to identify the body and the wearer of such scales - such attributes; a statement on the hierarchies of institution on the assumption of greater intellectual accolades equating to rights of passage. 

__This work was exhibited in group exhibition First Quarter at VCA Artspace and in the Proud exhibition at the Margaret Lawrence Gallery, Southbank, Melbourne, 2013.

(Exhibition view) Margaret Lawrence gallery VCA, UniMelb

(Installation view) Student gallery VCA, UniMelb

(Studio installation) Members Dismembered, 2013

MCA Studio, VCA/UniMelb, 2013

© Salazar Quas Ind.